Leave a gift in your will to help support our vital work
Every donation we receive gets us closer to finding a viable treatment for CJD. Providing hope to so many people affected by the disease.
How to leave a gift in your will
There are two main ways to leave a gift in your will:
Pecuniary Gift
A fixed sum of money you wish to donate.
Residuary Gift
A residuary gift can be a percentage share, or all of your remaining estate, after family and friends have been taken care of. This tends to be the most common gift left to a charity.
Our information to give your solicitor when writing your will
The Cure CJD Campaign, part of the UCLH Charity, of National Prion Clinic, 5th Floor East, 250 Euston Road, London, NW1 2PE, Registered Charity number 1105398.
When writing your will you may want to consider:
1) Whether you want to leave any of your possessions as special gifts to named individuals.
2) Leaving a gift to charity, after you’ve taken care of your loved ones.
3) Appointing Executors who can ensure that your wishes are carried out.
4) Making sure that your will is legal by ensuring it is signed by two independent witnesses, who are not beneficiaries.
5) Letting your loved ones know your wishes for your funeral, although this is difficult, will help them to know that they are acting on your plans.
Other ways you can support us
Together we can make an impact in the fight against this disease