With your support we can find a treatment for CJD
Together we can make an impact in the fight against this disease
The Cure CJD Campaign
The Cure CJD Campaign was set up by a group of individuals personally affected by the disease.
The vision of the Campaign is to raise funds to support the work of the Medical Research Council (MRC) Prion Unit at University College London (UCL) to develop a treatment or cure for CJD, and to raise awareness and understanding of this disease.
With your support, we will be closer to finding a treatment for CJD.
Finding a treatment for CJD
CJD is currently responsible for 1 in 5000 deaths in the UK each year. Sadly, the disease usually leads to death within one year of onset of illness, and often much sooner.
There is currently no treatment or cure for CJD, but every day scientists and doctors are getting closer to finding a treatment. In fact, progress has already been made, but we still have a long way to go.
families will not have
to face a loss like ours.”
died as a result of Acquired CJD.
World-leading research at the MRC Prion Unit at UCL developed an experimental antibody treatment called PRN100. This was designed to stop prion proteins from malfunctioning in the brain. Positive results were shown in laboratory testing and a small number of patients were given PRN100 in an experimental treatment programme in 2018/2019.
However, more vital research is needed to advance PRN100, and it will cost many millions to conduct a full clinical trial. With your help, we can reach that target and find a cure for CJD.
We have raised approximately £900,000 so far
Thanks to our generous supporters, this is a great start, but much more is needed to continue vital research and help to make a viable treatment. With your help, we can reach our target.